Live Work & Play

Dholera will be an industrial city & no city is complete without its residents. Economic development & Industrial growth will generate employment within DSIR in the coming years and therefore, a significant demand for housing will be created. Total employment in Dholera Industrial City including direct & indirect employment is estimated to be more than 800,000 people which will mean a resident population of more than 2 million people.

A gross area of 24,000 acres over all the 3 phases has been reserved for non-industrial development including residential, commercial, recreational, healthcare, educational, etc. while the immediate development phase will have a gross non-industrial area of 1,550 acres that is approx. 28% of the total area.

Live, Work & Play

True to its name, Dholera Industrial City focuses on catering to the needs of businesses and industries. While the businesses and industries will create jobs for people to come to Dholera for work, the residential zone will ensure that the employees and their families can live close to work.

A hierarchy of functional open green spaces including neighbourhood parks, community parks, linear park within walking distances along with Recreation and Sports zone will provide places to play and recreate – thus laying a strong foundation for a Live-­Work-­Play community. Special zones have been allocated for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) housing.

Social Infrastructure

Dholera’s design includes amenities to cater to the health, safety, educational, entertainment, cultural and spiritual needs of inhabitants, and they have been strategically located to provide safe and easy access. Geared towards social and intellectual interaction, Dholera has dedicated spaces for basic amenities such as Pharmacies, Hospitals and Fire Stations as well as spaces for awareness activities such as Community Halls.

From neighbourhood level farmers’ market to dedicated zones for hawkers, dispensaries to emergency services with quick response time, petrol pumps to electric vehicle charging stations, taxis and auto rickshaw stands to bicycle parking, public toilets to spaces for public art and cinema halls to religious facilities. Education infrastructure ranging from early childhood education to Anganwadis to integrated schools, from colleges to skill development centers, Dholera has it all.

Green Dholera

Open Green Space

  • Dholera will provide residents with an environment conductive for Work-Life-Balance essential for helthy living. With Live-Work-Play as the guiding principle, DSIR will have an open green space framwork that is connected, marrying planned development with nature
  • DSIR will provide the infracture to enable 'Smart Living' for residents who are connected with Internet of Things, smart utilities and sustainable technologies for better ease of living It would provide sustainable urban development that meets the demand for both a high quality of life and explores solutions for smarter homes and housing
    Neighborhood Parks
  • Neighborhood parks will be located within 5 minute radius of individual neighborhoods
  • These Parks are smaller and closer to residences - accessible within a 400 m radius.
  • These parks will maximize parks within residential areas
    Community Parks
  • These parks are bigger than neighborhood parks and will be accessible to the residential zones with a 10 minute walking radius
  • These parks will accessible within residential clusters and/or between multiple residentials clusters (shared), and central industrials areas.
    Linear Parks
  • Linear Parks are Larger parks which will be accessible to the entire activation Area
  • These parks will cater to residentials zones within a 4 km radius.
  • A 1 km segment of the parks will be for the purpose of promoting public art & education, health & wellness, national initiatives like Swacch Bharat

Residential Land Use table

Dholera will be an industrial city & no City is complete without its residents.

Economic development & Industrial growth will generate employment within DSIR in the coming years and therefore, a significant demand for housing will be created.

Total employment in Dholera Industrial City including direct & indirect employment is estimated to be more than 800,000 people which will mean a resident population of more than 2 million people.

A gross area of 24000 acres over all the 3 phases has been reserved for non-industrial development including residential, commercial, recreational, healthcare, educational, etc. while the immediate development phase will have a gross non-industrial area of 1550 acres that is approx. 28% of the total area

Land Use Zone Gross Area (ha) High Density Medium Density Low Density
Residential 9,780 782 3032 1467
High Access Corridor 2,465 345 592 0
City Center 679 109 102 0
Knowledge and IT 1,230 0 185 172

Source: Sanctioned Development Plan Report, DSIRDA