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Land sales at Dholera Industrial City Development Limited (DICDL)

DICDL land sales are predominantly in the activation area located in TP 2 & it is the only area in Dholera SIR where roads & utility infrastructure is under implementation.

DICDL team handles its land sales & potential investors can directly contact the team. Additionally, Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) and Cushman & Weikfield (C&W) are the only 2 empanelled, authorised representatives of DICDL for land sales & have been issued specific representation letters. Decision of DICDL will be final in all aspects.

Beware of fraudulent advertisements & claims of representation. We recommend that you perform your own due diligence through a solicitor, before investing.

Always buy land with NA (Non-Agriculture) approval, Development permission (Plan Pass) and other required permissions/approvals from the competent authority/authorities.